Pulse ID Enterprise Networking

Effortless Production Floor Management

PulseID Enterprise Networking provides the essential business intelligence and connectivity you need to boost productivity and manage your production floor. PulseID’s robust design downloading solution lets operators pull designs directly from your centralized database using a barcode scanner, while detailed dashboards and reporting systems are available to track the efficiency of individual machines, designs, and operators. The Enterprise Networking solution ensures that your production floor is finely tuned to maximize profitability.

Personalization Automation Experts

Networking Diagram

Featured Highlights:

  • Easily monitor machine and operator efficiency so you can quickly respond to production issues
  • Save reports as XLS files so you can compare long term results
  • Monitor production remotely over the internet for up to the minute statistics
  • Access from any PC, phone, or tablet using a modern web browser

Operator Efficiency

PulseID Enterprise Networking gives machine operators the ability to pull designs from your centralized database directly to their machines using a barcode scanner, eliminating the tedious design retrieval process. It also provides invaluable reporting on the efficiency of your machine operators as they complete orders using multiple machines at once. Create detailed reports or view up to the minute statistics for any operators logged in during a selected period of time, and use these statistics to set production goals, accurately quote future jobs, and motivate machine operators to get the best productivity possible.

  • Pull designs from a centralized database
  • Track operator login and logout times
  • Progress on current job
  • Pieces produced per hour
  • Number of re-sews
  • List of jobs processed by operator

Machine Statistics

PulseID Enterprise Networking enables you to monitor each and every detail of your machines, from the current operational status, to a history of designs the machine has sewn out. Produce comprehensive productivity reports through the administration website, and view the current design the machine is working on from anywhere in the world.