How To Order

How To Order

shipping-iconOrdering is easy — it’s all online 24/7 with live customer support for your productions 5 days a week from 8AM to 6PM CST.

Here are five EASY steps to order or receive a quotation online:

Register as a New User
Registration is free and suggests no commitment for ordering. From the login area on the left, click on “NEW USER”. On the registration screen, enter your company profile information and choose a username and password.

Request an Online Quote
(Digitizing Only) If you would like a quote before submitting your digitizing order, go to the “EMBROIDERY QUOTES” area to upload your design or artwork. All quotations are usually processed within 2 hours.

Request an Order/Convert
your Quote to an Order If you submitted a quote, just click on the “CONVERT TO ORDER” button and fill out the remaining order information. You may also go straight to “SUBMIT ORDER” and fill in the order form to upload artwork and submit your order.

Check for Order Alerts
It is important to check your account frequently to view the status of your orders. Make sure there are no “ALERTS” or questions pending before an artist is assigned to your design.

Download your Completed Order
Log onto your account download your finished order. All vector and digitizing files will be securely stored online for easy access.

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