Iron On 52gram 100m X 100cm IOWHT100100

Iron On  (Fusible Backing ) 52gram

Product Code : IOWHT100100

Product Size :100m X 100cm

SKU: IOWHT100100 Category:


Iron On 52gram 100m X 100cm IOWHT100100

Fusible backing is ideal for embroidering on delicate fabrics,Quilting,Applique,Badges .
This backing will provide stability in both directions ,with a soft handle .It can be used
with fabrics such as Satin,silk,lame and will help protect the fiberes being damaged
when sewing.Applique and Quilting backing this soft feel wont add a heavy feel to
the fabric being used.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 100 × 10 × 10 cm